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These are workshops run in conjunction with walking encounters and festivals that invite a group to follow a chosen route on foot. We collaborate en route, with mark making materials and movement in response to the walk.

Looking for Echoes of the Body in Landscape : Made of Walking Greece 2019:

Unfurling a roll of paper, participants drew from the bridge connecting the island of Agios Achillios across Lake Prespes. Recording the reeds and bulrushes growing and spreading out either side of us, we considered their scale relative to humans and the gaps and spaces in between. Gathering up the drawing, we moved on to the next two stations and completed a collaborative piece 30 metres long.

Weave a Path/ go with me: Drifting bodies/ fluent spaces - Guimaraes, Portugal 2020

Vade mecum is a Latin term meaning ‘Go with me.’ It has been in use since 1629 to describe guidebooks or manuals compact enough that they can be carried in a deep pocket and to which constant reference can be made.

Taking this concept, but transposing it to become a collective fabric, Weave a Path recorded the surfaces of individual walks; the textile becoming a shared medium through which the group stitched and wove their own experience of encountering the environment.

Walking/ Dancing with Trees: Chichester 2019 and Bath 2023/24

Collaborating with movement researcher Vicky Hunter, we led walks in public parks responding to trees using our bodies and mark making interventions to create a portable ‘score’ to interpret through movement.

Dip in, dip out Banyoles, Spain 2024

We congregated outside Llotja del Tint, the historic building where wool was formerly dyed and woven. Using strands of wool of different weights and colours, we threaded in and out of individual pieces of netting to recall the terrain and map of our own walk to Banyoles the previous day. We joined our banyolesos together as a salute to the local dye and woollen workers.

© 2024  Rosie Montford. 

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